Friday, 21 October 2011

Health and Safety risk assessment

Health and Safety risk assessment

Before filming we completed a health and safety risk assessment. We did this for each location that we went to. We had to complete a health and safety form as we needed to make sure that we were being safe when filming.

·         Location 1 -  School courtyard:

*      There was some unstable concrete on the floor so we had to make sure that when stepping on that area it was stable so that nobody would hurt themselves.
*      We also had to check that we would not get hurt with the debris from the fallen trees.

·         Location 2 – Gadebridge park:

*      Before shooting we had to make sure that we didn’t leave the equipment alone as we were in a public place and we didn’t want it to get stolen.
*      We also had to make sure that we were safe as there were other people around and we did not want to put ourselves in danger.
*      Before filming at Gadeberidge we had to make sure that it hadn’t been raining as it could have been wet underfoot and could have been dangerous if we would have fallen.

·         Location 3 – Callum Cole’s house:

*      Before filming we had to make sure that we were allowed in Callum’s house and that it was safe to film there – that no-one else was in the house but us.
*      When filming around Callum’s house we had to make sure that the neighbours did not mind us filming around their street and we made sure that no-one else was in the film.

·         Location 4 – School hall:

*      As we are filming on the stage we had to make sure that we do not fall of the stage as we could hurt ourselves.
*      We also had to make sure that we knew the equipment well as we did not want to break it or hurt ourselves with the equipment.
*      We also had to think about the floor as it can be very slippy and we again do not want to fall over.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Action plan 14th October 2011

Our action plan:
  1. We need to book the hall out so that we can film the performance section of our music video.
  2. We need to talk to the music department to see if it would be ok to use some instruments for our film
  3. I need to post my advertisment analysis onto the blog, research into how music videos are made, post the still images we took whilst filming and post the health and safety risk assesment.

Storyboard animatic

Georgie-May Lancashire Interim task