Thursday, 23 June 2011

Audience Research

Planning Proposal.

The type of sampling we have chosen is convenience. This is because when looking into bands we knew we wanted to use music in the indie-pop genre. The target audeince that like this type of music are teenagers aged 15-28, this audience is easy for us to question and get hold of as we can ask many people we know.
Groups in the Indie-pop genre include: Florence and the Machine, Lady Hawk, Razorlite, The Enemy, Artic Monkeys, Kate Nash etc. These artists are all popular with people in our target audience meaning we can narrow down our research into why they like this music and what they expect to see in the music videos from this genre

Online audience research

To find out what our intended audience like to see in a music video, we needed to create a questionnaire that would be able to tell us what our audience like to see. As a result of audiences becoming fragmented we needed to use the internet to make sure we had a wider demographic of people to ask the questionnaire to. To get people to answer our questionnaire, we distributed it onto social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to make sure that we would get a sufficient amount of people answering our questionnaire. Below is the link to our online questionnaire:

We used a website called This is a good way to conduct our audience research as we will be able to get a wide range of answers from a wide range of people. We have progressed from our year 12 audience research as we have now made our questionnaire on the internet so we could get a wider target audience and we have also distributed it on social networking sites as this is where our target audience is.

Our online survey has showed us that the majority of people who answered our survey were males.

The age group that had the highest majority was 16-20 year olds and this could be because we dispatched our online survey onto the social networking site Facebook and a lot of our friends are 16-20 years old.

The majority of people that answered our online survey said that their favorite type of music was Rock and RNB. This therefore shows us that their is a current trend in the market and therefore leaves us a gap in the market where we could create an Indie band as there is a need for this and we could create a new trend. We thereofre want to be unconventional and this would be our USP. 

Blue Rock Roll Design

Alot of people also said that the reason why they listen to their favorite type of music was because of its upbeat tempo and because of the story that is told through the lyrics. Therefore, we want to make sure that our song choice has an upbeat tempo and there is a narrative being told through the lyrics.

Everyone that answered our online survey said that they listened to their favorite type of music everyday so we need to make sure that the music video is interesting to the audience and tells them a story so they will listen/watch it everyday.

Most people that have answered the survey has said that they listen to and watch music videos on the social networking site YouTube and they also watch them on telivision. This shows us that we need to put our music video on YouTube as we will get a lot of viewers as it is a very popular website.

Their was a mixed response to the artists that people listened to and trended into current bands. However, none answers mentioned any Indie bands. This is good as it shows their is a gap in the market. When we start creating our band we can look at the gap in the market and be original and unique by creating a new Indie band.

The majority of people that answered our online questionnaire said that the one thing that is missing in music videos is a good storyline because they said that it doesn't match the lyrics and that the music video does not have a beginning, middle and end. This tells us that we need to make sure our music video has an understandable storyline so that our audience understands it.

The people who answered the questionnaire said that they expect to see the band playing their instruments and they also expect to see a lot of young people. This means that when we are making our music video we are going to want to include a lot of young people in our video as it is going to appeal to our target audience. We will also show our band as it is what our target audience want to see.

In response to our questionnaire most people said they liked watching music videos because of the way the lighting changes and it looks really effective. So, in our music video we will probably have lighting changes so that they appeal to our target audience.

When people answered our questionnaire they answered yes to the question do you like seeing the artist or the band in the music video. This means that we will have the band in our music video as it is what our target audience like to see. The majority of people also said that they like to see the band because they can identify who the band/artist is and it also makes the song seem more real.

The last question that we asked was do you think there are any bands or artists missing in the current market and all of the people we asked said that there wasn't. We asked this question as if someone would have said yes and explained what is missing then we could have found a gap in the market.

Questionnaire audience research:

1. What gender are you?

The graph above shows that out of the 29 people we questioned only 10 of them were male showing that our results are slightly biased. The reason we asked more females to males is because they are easier to approach and were more willing to answer our questions.

2. What age group do you fall into?

This pie chart shows the results from the question: ‘what age group do you fall into?’ of our questionnaire. It shows that a high percentage, just over half of the people we asked fell into the group 16 to 20 year olds.  We used convenience sampling to decide who to ask our questionnaire to. As we knew the target market we wanted to reach out to, we gave the questionnaire to people who were most convenient to ask. This is why most of the people who completed our questionnaire are between 16 and 20 as we asked people who go to our class as they were the most convenient people. We did get people of other ages views to though so we also have some idea of what the older and younger groups of ages want. Next time we could try and get more views from the other age groups as well so we would have a better idea of what these groups want.

5.How often do you listen to this type of music?

The question how often do you listen to music told us that the majority of people that we asked our questionnaire to all said Daily. This shows that when we are making our music video and considering what song we are going to make our video to we need to remember that our target audience are listening to music everyday so the music need to appeal to our audience. If the audience say they like a fast beat, we don't want to make a song with a slow beat because it will not appeal to them and they will not listen to the music daily.

11. Do you like to see the artist or band in the music video?

The results from our questionnaire show that everyone we asked likes to see the artist or band in the music video.

Qualitative audience research:

3. What is you favourite type of music and why?

Most people that answered the questionnaire liked to listen to R&B or Pop music as they liked the beat and was able to dance to it. Most people said that they liked Indie music showing that there is a big gap in the market. Finally only a few people answered for music such as Rock, Dup-step etc. This helped us decide we wanted to do an Indie-pop band for our coursework as it is a mix of the favourite genres and there is a big gap in the market for it.

4. What makes you listen to your favourite type of music and why?

Most people answered the reason they listen to music is because they enjoy listening to it and are able to relate to the lyrics. This shows us that when picking a song we should pick one that people can relate to with real meaning rather then it just being a catchy song. It also shows us that when deciding on the band we should make the members easy for the audience to relate to their backstory etc. Some people answered that they listen to music as they like being able to dance to it, showing us that not only should the song have a meaning behind it, the song needs to be catchy and have a good beat with it.

6. How do you listen to your favourite type of music? Please state
Most people said they listen to their favourite type of music on music channels which means they would probably be watching the music video that goes with the song. A lot of people also said they listen to music using their iPod and YouTube. Some people said they listen to their favourite type of music on their phones or the radio or using CDs. A few people said they listen to their favourite music at gigs or concerts.  
7. What is your favourite artist or band and why?

Most people answered with artists such as Beyonce, Rihanna, Adele, Bruno Mars. All these artists are currently at the top of the charts showing that the charts play a big part in who people listen to. They also have qualities in not only their songs but their background that an audience can relate to. Such as Bruno Mars going to prison or Adele growing up in a 'rough' area etc. The reason they said they listened to these artists is because they have a good voice or they just like their music. This shows that the music is just as important as the image. Some people answered that they don't have just one favourite artist and that they have many different favourite artists. This shows us that because of the huge range of artists producing music an audience can now listen to a much wider range of music. This is done by the way they advertise and market the singer/band and their song. Showing us that we have to make sure that we advertise the band in the best way possible.

8. What do you think is missing from music videos? Please state
Most people who took the questionnaire said they think a story to the song is missing in music videos. A lot of people also said they don’t think anything is missing from music videos which weren’t very helpful in finding something we could use as our USP to make us stand out and use something that people want to see but currently isn’t available. A few people also said they think music videos are all the same and think that unique, different music videos are missing. A few people thought that dance and fun were missing from music videos.

9. What do you expect to see in a music video of your favourite type of music?
Most people said they expect to see dance routines and good narrative (a story to match the song) in a music video. A lot of people also said they expect to see the artist or band in the music video and that they should be singing or performing. Some people said they expect to see girls in a music video and a few people said they want to see unpredictable events and they want the music video to be simple. One or two people said they expect to see people having fun and the band/artist performing at a gig or concert.
10: What is your favorite music video from your chosen type of music? Why?

Most people that answered the questionnaire trended with Bruno Mars and Beyonce as their favorite type of music video. The reason was because people said that Bruno Mars' videos were different and funny such as The Lazy Song as their are random Monkeys in the background. People also like Beyonce's videos because of the costumes, setting and storyline. For exmple, If I were a boy as Beyonce is dressed as a police man and has a role reversal with her husband as it is a compelling storyline. So, from our target audience answering this question we now know that we need to make sure that we are different to other music videos and that we have appropriate costumes and storylines to our music.

12: In the current market, do you think that there are certain types of bands or artists mssing? If yes, what bands or artists do there need to be?

The majority of the people that we asked this questionnaire to said that no as there is already a wide variety of bands/artists in the current market and has expanded over the past 20 years. However, 1 person said that there need to be music bands for 25-30 year olds as they feel that they have been lost. Another person said that also there needs to be more classical and opera singers as there is a lack of them at the moment.1 other oerson said that more bands and artists need to be ready to break conventions and be more risky. This therefore shows us that when creating our band we need to break away from the typical conventions, be a bit more risky and aim our band/artist to be at 25-30 year olds so that we can fit into that gap in the market.
Purpose of Audience Research
What is the purpose of audience research?
  • Find out what the audience wants
  • Find a gap in the market (USP)
  • Makes sure the product suits the audience, use what they expect to see and what they recognise
  • Find out what people don’t want to see
  • What information we need to find out from target audience in our audience research?
  • What genre of music they like
  • How many group members to have in the band
Action Plan
After analysing the results of our audience research we have decided to have our band in our music video even though before we had considered not showing them. The results showed that 100% of the people who completed our questionnaire wanted to see the band in the video so we decided we should show the band otherwise our video wouldn't show what our audience want to see.
We also decided that we need to make sure our video has a good narrative that links to the lyrics as this is something that our audience said they expect to see. They also said a good narrative that they can relate to is what makes them listen to their favourite type of music videos which means if we ensure our music video has a good narrative people will watch it as they can relate to it. 
Most people who took our questionnaires consumed their music online which means when we distribute our video we should put it online and on social networking sites as this is where most of our target audience consume their music from. 
Our results showed that RNB is a popular genre but we have decided to create an Indie-Pop band as this is a gap in the market. Indie and Pop were both popular genres

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