In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Evaluation on Prezi
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
EvaluationView more presentations from gemmaclarke.
What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
This year we had better cameras to use for the production of our product. This gave us better quality videos than we were able to get last year. However when we were uploading the video clips to the imac computers and trying to put them on final cut express so that we could edit our video we had a problem because the file type wasn’t right. This meant we had to go through each clip we uploaded and convert them to FFMPGX files.
We created an animatic this year using movie maker, paint and photoshop. We started by creating a normal storyboard similar to those we did last year when planning for our thriller film but then we scanned the storyboards on and used to paint to cut them into single pictures. We then used photoshop to edit the images and colour them in and finally we put them on moviemaker and edited them all together and added the song in the background. This meant we could watch through our storyboard and get a much better idea of what the finished product would look like than we could have with just the normal storyboards drawn on paper. This helped us see how things went together and what might not look too great.
I have used a number of different forms of media to present my work that I hadn’t used before this year, such as Prezi which I used for my intrim task and evaluation. This allowed me to be able to make these tasks look more interesting than I’ve been able to before, it is like a powerpoint but I think it makes the information look more interesting. I also have used a voki for my evaluation. To do this I had to create a character and write some text for it to say. This displays the information in a more interesting way but I did have a problem when creating this as it only allowed room for a small amount of text which meant I had to create more than one when I would of liked it all to just be continuous and on the same one.
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