Georgie-May Lancashire evaluation
Below are my four evaluation questions in the form of a prezi, a voice thread, a video diary and a voki/blog post.
Here is the link for my Prezi for the first question in my evaluation
Below is the link for my voicethread for my second evaluation question.
Below are images of the script and props I used for my video diary of question 3.
Here is my video diary for question 3 of the evaluation.
Below is the script that I wrote before filming my video diary. I did this so I would not stutter and I would know what I was going to say.
Here is my video diary for question 3 of the evaluation.
Below is the script that I wrote before filming my video diary. I did this so I would not stutter and I would know what I was going to say.
The next three images are images of the props that I used within my video diary.
Question 4
Below are the links for my Voki voice clips for question 4.
This is the link for my Voki number 4
When completing question four on Voki I forgot to mention about the construction of the music video and ancillary texts. the media technologies that I used when creating the music video and ancillary texts were Photoshop. I had not used photoshop before creating the ancillary texts so this was a new experience for me. I also used apple imac computers. We had used these in AS level. However, as in A2 we used different cameras, we had to use a prgram called ffmpgx which converted our files so they were compatible to final cut express, which was another media technology we used. I also used scanners so we could scan in our shooting schedule. I also used a digital camera to take photos for our photoshoot and to take images as our evidence.
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